HONG KONG: The first day of this multi-lingual production began in a small French café called Chez Patrick Deli. This is where Michael (Sean Faris 桑輝魯斯) and Anna (Grace Huang 黃芝琪) first meet after they agree to help each other with language lessons.

Sean Faris and Grace Huang in the first location
Before shooting could commence, a traditional Chinese ceremony was held. The entire cast and crew made offerings to the gods to ensure a smooth production.

Will Yun Lee bows for a trouble-free shoot
For lead actor Sean Faris 桑輝魯斯, this was the first time he participated in such an event.

Sean Faris makes an offering as Grace Huang readies hers

Sean Faris and Grace Huang enjoy some of the ceremonial roast pig
“This is a great beginning to my immersion into the local culture.”
– Sean Faris 桑輝魯斯
(while sharing ceremonial delicacies with the crew)
With the ceremony complete, shooting began.