Sean Faris 桑輝魯斯 and Emmy-nominated journalist Nicole Pence discuss “Lost for Words 愛。真。承” on Weekend Sunrise.

Journalist Nicole Pence talks with Sean Faris
In town for the Indianapolis International Film Festival, Sean Faris 桑輝魯斯 and director Stanley J. Orzel 何兆賢 sat down with Weekend Sunrise anchor Nicole Pence to chat about “Lost for Words 愛。真。承”.
The conversation ranged from visiting Indianapolis for the first time to the meaning of the film to the process of shooting in Hong Kong. While discussing the film’s characters, the role that fate plays in finding true love was raised. Sean presented his view that…
“…Fate puts you in front of the door, but it’s up to you to turn the knob and go through it.”
– Sean Faris 桑輝魯斯
Ms. Pence noted that nearly 100 films unspooled at this year’s 10th Indianapolis International Film Festival, many with truly unique stories and distinct perspectives. They also discussed why film festivals play such an important role for non-studio movies and documentaries. As director Stanley J. Orzel put it…
“…sometimes you want something different, something unique. And that’s what you find at film festivals.”
– Stanley J. Orzel 何兆賢
From the WTHR studios, Sean and Stanley hopped back to the festival to partake in a filmmakers’ panel discussion and then a Q&A session after the “Lost for Words” screening.
To watch the entire interview, just click…